How can we contact?
You contact us using the form on the website, via email at info@ilscompany.it or by phone at (+39) 371-1385307.
How can I buy your products?
To order one of our products contact us specifying the code and the shipping address.
Avete rivenditori, consegnate in tutta Italia?
La ILS Group non ha rivenditori e consegna tranquillamente in tutta Italia.
You are looking for resellers or business partners?
We are happy to work with other companies who want to sell, along with us, our products. For more details, contact us.
I can make an appointment with your designer at your company?
Sure, you can make an appointment by calling the number (+39) 0933-1895399.
Tavoli in pietra lavica
How can I get an estimate for a custom lava stone table?
To get a quote for a custom table please contact us specifying the shape (square, oval, circular or rectangular), the sizes, the decoration, the support and numbers of chairs in wrought iron and the shipping address.
Can I request a personalized decoration?
Yes, you can request a personalized decoration in the shape, size and design.
How long does it take to create a lava stone table?
If the table is not in stock, the processing time amounts to approximately 20 days (a few more days if you request a personalized decoration).
How much are the shipping costs of a table?
The shipping costs may vary according to place of delivery and the size of the table.
Wood stoves in lavic stone
What is it and how does work a storage heating stove?
The most common stoves work by natural or forced convection. After being switched off, due to the low mass heated, they cool quickly and after a short time does not give off more heat. A storage heating stove instead, thanks to the construction technique and the large mass of lava stone, stores the energy produced by burned wood and then, radiate the heat slowly over time, even after the end of the combustion.
What are the benefits of using wood for heating?
Wood is a source of economic, clean, renewable and natural energy. In fact, if the combustion takes place correctly, the process left only natural and not toxic substances, and, the CO2 emitted is the same as that absorbed by the plant due to the process of photosynthesis.
Can I request a personalized decoration?
Yes, you can have personalized decorations on glazed stoves.
How much are the shipping costs of a stove?
The shipping costs depend the place of delivery and the type of stove.
How many cubic meters can be heated?
Per fornire una risposta esauriente è necessario procurarsi (tramite un professionista accreditato) una "classificazione energetica" della propria abitazione e, quindi, determinare i metri cubi riscaldabili in funzione alla potenza, per carica, delle nostre stufe (valore presente nelle schede tecniche).